
Yea for the RASV Hoof and Hook Competition
The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) is proudly presenting an all new “Hoof and Hook” competition in the regional Victorian town of Yea on Saturday 26 September, with the competition to be livestreamed from Yea Saleyards.
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2020 Notice of AGM Governance
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Members of The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria Ltd ACN: 006 728 785 (“the Company”) is to be held by video conference on Tuesday, 29th September 2020 at 11.30 am
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Chief Executive Update - September 2020 Melbourne Royal News
We begin a new month and new season hopeful that stage 4 COVID restrictions will end in the coming weeks and we can get back to the business of holding events for Victorians to enjoy with family and friends.
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