Dr Hugh Wirth AM
World-renowned veterinarian championed animal welfare at Show
Animals were Dr Hugh Wirth’s lifelong passion, so naturally, the Melbourne Royal Show captivated his interest from a very young age.
Dr Wirth remembers fondly the time he spent at the Melbourne Royal Show as a child, but it was his contribution to the development of the Show as an animal inspector that he found most rewarding.
“There’s been a great deal of change,” he commented in an interview with the Society, “and all for the better.”
Dr Wirth is credited with changing showing and animal husbandry practices at the Melbourne Royal Show and was passionate about using the Show as a means to teach animal welfare. He was responsible for caring for a wide variety of animals and made important decisions based on the animal’s health as to whether they should be shown or not.
As a testament to his tireless efforts in improving the welfare of livestock at the Melbourne Royal Show.
Hugh was awarded the President’s Medal and was made an honorary life member in 1998.
Hugh passed away in 2018, leaving a strong legacy that has dramatically improved the quality of life for animals involved with the Melbourne Royal Show.

Dr Hugh Wirth during his interview for the Melbourne Royal Oral History Program.